News from Villa Stabbia

Tawny baby owls knocking on the door

May 2015

A tiny tawny owl baby insisted on visiting us one late afternoon. It is not the first time we have found newly hatched babies, but they were never as insisting to come in as this one - click for video.

After a long wait for mum or dad, a quick check was done to make sure that it was ok, and then it was taken to the Empoli wild bird sanctury (Centro Toscano Recupero Avifauna Selvatica - www), wishing it the best of luck. So so cute.

So what happens two days later - the newly hatched brother or sister knocked on our front door.

So back to the Empoli wild bird santury.

The Tawny owls usually get between 3 and 5 babies at a time.

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