Organic Gourmet Products from Villa Stabbia

In the cultivated hilly area of Pistoia, the family at Villa Stabbia has produced gourmet extra virgin olive oil for decades but also wine, Vin Santo and fruits. Today, the wine production has ceased and only a small production of Vin Santo remains (www for details). Instead a production of aromatic oils has commenced, utilising mainly the fruits, herbs and spices growing on the farm (www for details). The main production of the farm is however without a doubt - the olive oil. (www for details)

With three generations daily involved in the production, "Villa Stabbia" is a typical family owned and run farm. 

However of vital importance is the focus on quality as opposed to quantity, and then of course that the production is organic.



The farm is certified organic as well as the olive oil by IFOAM
(International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) and certified organic for Europe and Japan. In addition certified HACCP compliant.


To request further information, please click here. We look forward to hearing from you!