News from Villa Stabbia
Massage and Stretching course for the sportive horse (and non).
June 2013
Similarly to humans, animals suffer aches, pains, stiffness and injuries, and also like humans, animals can respond favourably to non invasive therapies, especially massage.
Since approximately 60% of a horse’s total body weight is comprised of muscle and tendons and this musculature system is directly involved in locomotion and movement, any tension and spasms will obstruct or prevent optimal movement and will cause problems in the horse’s performance. In addition, healthy, spasm free, fully extensible muscle tissue is less prone to injury.
Dott.ssa Amon Ulrike Hildegard, veterinary with an additional diploma in physiotherapy and osteopathy for horses introduced the attending group of riders from Villa Stabbia riding centre to the profound benefits of massaging a horse.
It was the first time (but hopefully not the last time) this course was conducted at Villa Stabbia, consisting of a good theoretical introduction and then hands on exercises.