News from Villa Stabbia

Ulrike Thiel Clinic at the Riding Centre

October 2014

Since the riding centre at Villa Stabbia aims to focus its training and riding on classical principles, it was an opportunity not to be missed when it was possible to host a clinic with the internationally known classical trainer, dressage rider and instructor, judge, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and sport psychologist Ulrike Thiel.

At some stage most riders often asks themselves - Where am I as a rider at the moment and where do I want to go? So this was the occasion for the participants to take a “time-out” and re-evaluate their riding experience and aspirations.

The program was very tight with almost a whole day spent on the horse-rider relationship and how to improve it based on recent scientific findings in psychomotor education, horse training theory, horse and human biomechanics, and equine behaviour. Luckily it was also the only day it was raining.

The second day was used partly on lunging exercises of the horses, but mainly on developing the independent seat when riding the horse, but also via body exercises from the ground.

An exceptional course that hopefully soon will be repeated with more participants.

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